Risk Insurance

Sometimes, things go wrong. We get sick, we become injured and sometimes we die prematurely. We hope none of this ever happens to you and your family. But it pays to prepare yourself just in case it does.

Risk insurance lets you manage when things go wrong and you can no longer work. Risk insurances allow you to transfer some of the financial risk of not working to an insurance company. This can bring great peace of mind to you and your loved ones.

Put simply, if you or any other person is dependant on your ability to stay healthy and keep working, you should consider taking out at least some risk insurance. We provide the complete range of risk insurance services: death cover, total and permanent disability (TPD), income protection and trauma cover. We help you calculate the type and amount of each cover that you might need, as well as discuss other ways that you can protect yourself against financial loss. We do all this while keeping your premiums as low as possible, and assisting you to develop your capacity to become less dependant on insurances as the years go by.